Solar Company Falls Apart — Most Important Climate Change Stories  5/31/24

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The IEA has released a new report on SUVs, which have become extremely popular recently. It is titled “SUVs are setting new sales records each year—and so are their emissions.” The report indicates that SUVs accounted for almost 50% of all passenger vehicle sales worldwide last year. To highlight the environmental issues, the report said, “If SUVs were a country, they would be the world’s fifth largest emitter of CO2.” Among the top 10 nations in terms of SUV-based emissions, China was the highest by far, followed by the US and India. Based on population, the US is about a quarter the size of the other two. About 360 million SUVs were in use in 2023, which grew by 60 million last year. Climatecrisis247 believes that SUV popularity is a significant hurdle to EV sales. Almost all are gas-powered, and there is no drop in their massive numbers and sales growth. 

Climate Challenge — Data Center Energy

More AI News –Predicting The Weather

Huge storms in Brazil may cause a permanent relocation of hundreds of thousands of people. City officials have started to move residents from areas destroyed by violent weather. According to Bloomberg, “Mayors and other local authorities are now weighing the idea of relocating entire neighborhoods away from high-risk areas. It’s a change that will permanently reshape Brazilian maps and turn thousands of people like Lima into the world’s newest climate refugees.” The weather events, led by flooding, were almost certainly driven by climate change-related weather. Climatecrisis247 believes that the population relocation trend has just begun and will eventually involve hundreds of millions. People living in areas of extreme drought and extreme heat will not be able to survive where they live today. The hurdle to this migration is that there is nowhere to go for weather-challenged people in places like India. 

Climate Estimates Are Inaccurate

Estimates about the cost of the climate crisis are wrong because so much data is lacking. The Economist pointed this out in an article titled “Why any estimate of the cost of climate change will be flawed –Temperature fluctuations are unpredictable. Humans are even more so.” There is no way to estimate accurately years in advance where the largest storms will be, how quickly temperatures will rise, and whether government or industry action will slow the growth of greenhouse gas emissions. Climatecrisis247 believes the point is well taken. Hundreds of scholarly articles and press coverage of climate change effects are published annually. The most popular are those that make fairly firm predictions of where climate change will have the most significant effect. Predictions of human events that look at forecast results over decades are bound to be wrong. 

Solar Company Out Of Money

Maxeon Solar Technologies Ltd., a fairly large residential solar produce provider, ran out of money and had to turn to a large shareholder for capital. TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co. will provide it with $200 million, sharply diluting shareholders. High interest rates and competing products from overseas were reasons for the problems. Climatecrisis24 believes that is part of a trend that has held back the growth of renewables. Many companies in the sector require long periods to bring their products to market. Public investors and private capital view this as risky and charge high interest rates if they provide any capital at all.

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