United Arab Emirates Cloud Seeding For Rain

Aleksandar Pasaric Pexels

United Arab Emirates Cloud Seeding For Rain

Dubai, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, gets about five inches of rain a year. It is also among the world’s hottest cities, where temperatures can rise above 115 degrees F. In some parts of the country, outside the capital, the annual amount of rain is higher. The government has started seeding clouds to bring rain to the capital, But this technology rarely works well. 

US Rain News –Las Vegas and California

Oddly, Dubai has been hit by large rain storms, perhaps another sign of the weather changes brought on by climate change. The NUAE reports, “Scientists at the National Centre of Meteorology have discovered that annual precipitation is expected to rise by up to 30 per cent over much of the country during this century.” Based on what will happen in decades, such forecasts are absurd. However, there are more rainstorms in the country than in the past. 

The cloud seeding has had some positive effects–maybe. According to CBS, University of Reading vice-chancellor Robert Van de Noort commented, after a visit to UAE, “Of course, our ability to manipulate weather is puny compared to the forces of nature.”

Cloud seeding has become more advanced. It uses drones that hit clouds with electric pulses. However, the effects remain extremely modest.

Can technology make it rain? Perhaps, But not very much, based on current science.

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