America’s Deep Freeze Hurts People With Huge Energy Bills

Egor Kamelev Pexels

The U.S. is about to be hit by one of the coldest periods it has had in years. Subfreezing temperatures will extend as far south as Orlando, New Orleans, Atlanta, and Houston.These areas are rarely prepared for cold weather. Home construction often is not set up for heating with furnaces or insulation. 

A new study of the states where hearing costs are expected to rise the most regardless of whether they are Texas,  Louisiana, and Florida. 

Fortunately, home heating oil prices are at relatively low because of the low cost of crude. 

Although it is a bite of a seesaw, home hearing oil prices have cropped by half since 2022. National gas prices have risen since March. Electricity prices are harder to peg because they vary by state.

Open Issues

The open issues are primarily how many cold days there are and how far the temperatures fall. For people in the southern tier of states, it will be colder, and more expensive

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