Antarctic Deep Freeze Drops To Minus 95 Degrees
Temperatures have plunged below 95 degrees at several weather stations in the Antarctic today. These include the Russian Vostok station and the Dome A weather station several miles away. Each has relatively low temperatures because it is on land 10,000 feet above sea level, largely because it helps with telescopic and weather observations.
Violent Weather Record? –1,600 Tornadoes
Dome A, aka Dome Argus, is the highest ice dome on the Antarctic Plateau, about 1,000 miles inland. It is thought to have been described as the coldest place on Earth. In June 2019, the temperatures dropped to a record minus 136 degrees below zero. AI is now being used to forecast weather.
Coldest In History?
The Vostok station has posted a temperature as low as 129 degrees. It is located over 11,000 feet above sea level. Its winter population is only 15 people. The mean temperature from April to September averages over 90 degrees below zero. In December, there is sunlight over 22 hours a day. That drops close to zero in July. At the far end of the spectrum, it is 144 degrees in Dubai.
Ice Is Melting Fast
According to the UCAR Center, temperatures on the Antarctic Peninsula have warmed almost 3°C (5.4°F) since 1950. That’s more warming than anywhere else in the Southern Hemisphere. Overall, warmer temperatures along the peninsula are increasing ice melt and have caused several ice shelves to break apart.
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