Hundreds Of Chemicals Found In Food Packages

Dana Tentis Pexels

According to a new research paper published in the journal Nature under the title “Evidence for widespread human exposure to food contact chemicals,” the authors wrote, “Over 1800 food contact chemicals (FCCs) are known to migrate from food contact articles used to store, process, package, and serve foodstuffs.” A number have what is known as hazard properties.

And this is packaging, and not the food itself.

More Studies

The more studies are done on food and drinking water, the more chemicals are found in them. Many of the most alarming are about plastics. Some plastics have been found thousands of feet down in the oceans. It appears more often that almost everything that humans eat contains some kind of potentially dangerous chemical. What scientists do not know completely is what these do to the human body, disease, or longevity. Some, however, have been linked with cancer. 

Toxic Compounds

The Guardian writes about the research, “The chemicals have been found in human blood, hair or breast milk. Among them are compounds known to be highly toxic, like PFAS, bisphenol, metals, phthalates and volatile organic compounds.”


Almost all of these chemicals are man-made, which suggests that, with proper prevention, the problem might not be so severe. 

The problem started long ago enough, and is rampant enough that it won’t be reversed.

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