A New VW EV For America

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EV sales in the US are in trouble. Tesla expects its sales growth to slow or even flatten this year. GM, Ford, and several other brands from Japan, Europe, and South Korea have also had EV unit sales well below expectations. The next challenge is that global EV sales leader BYD may enter the US through factories in Mexico to offer its inexpensive cars. Each one of these companies has similar challenges. Americans worry about the EV battery range and the modest number of charging stations. 

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Despite sales challenges, the growth of new EV brands continues rapidly. According to CNN, VW will launch a new EV in the US. It will be called Scout. It will not be a standard EV product launch. “An avid fanbase in America fondly remembers Scout. Here, it was one of the pioneering SUV brands, and its original models are collectibles today.” VW already has EV products in the US through its luxury Audi and Porsche brands. However, Scout will likely be priced at the low end of the market. EVs are often considered expensive compared to gas-powered cars, although the average price of a new car in the US is nearly $45,000. Tesla and Ford have models priced below that, particularly when considering federal tax credits. 

Scout may find two hurdles. The first is that other manufacturers are racing to produce EVs at much lower prices. The second is that data show that Americans buy hybrids in great numbers, competing with EV sales.

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