Got the Climate change Blues? Mental Health Increasingly Affected By Global warming
The physical effects of global warming are well known, ranging from heat stroke to malnutrition to drowning. But now a new research paper is reinforcing claims that the climate crisis is seriously affecting people’s mental health.
Pollution Warms the planet, leads to bad health — and now has been found to affect menopause!
Climate Change Exacerbating Global Health Risks, Recent Report Reveals
The journal Nature recently published an article titled “Climate change psychological distress is associated with increased collective climate action in the U.S.” The primary triggers for the distress are that climate disasters are more powerful and frequent and that the efforts to change the situation have been extremely slow. The authors, however, report that, “How people experiencing psychological distress engage with climate action … is unclear.”
Safer places
More specifically, 16% of people in America have had at least one symptom of psychological distress due to climate change, with the figure tending to be high among low-income groups, Hispanics, urban dwellers and younger people. On a positive note, these people are more likely to engage in “collective climate action.”
The psychological problems make combatting the effects of climate change on people more complex. While a change in location can offset the physical problems, the mental hurdles may be harder to clear.
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