China’s Carbon Emissions May Not Have Peaked

Loïc Manegarium Pexels

Bloomberg reports that China’s carbon emissions dropped 3% in March compared to the same month a year ago. One month does not indicate a trend, and China is notorious for passing out inaccurate figures. 

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Bloomberg reported, “Record wind and solar installations met nearly all of China’s increased demand for power, while the slowdown in the property sector helped reduce carbon from the highly pollutive steel and cement sectors.” However, there is no reason to believe the slowdown in steel and cement production is permanent, which would call the analysis into question.

Increased Pollution Trend

March also follows 14 months of “increased pollution, which means there is no trend to rely on. As a matter of fact, March may be an aberration.

Bloomberg adds, “Still, there are increasing signs of friction in the country’s push to decarbonize.” Solar availability is unstable because there is no sunlight 24 hours a day.

It will take several months of positive data to conclude that the peak emissions period is over.

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