Legendary Tech Investor Funds Nuclear Power

Legendary Investor Funds Nuclear Power
According to the FT, one of the most accomplished tech investors in history will fund a nuclear power start-up. Peter Thiel has made billions of dollars from his investments, one of the best-known being Palantir.
“Founders Fund, the venture capital firm co-founded by billionaire investor Peter Thiel, is backing a nuclear start-up aiming to produce the fuel used to power the latest generation of reactors, as artificial intelligence groups look to atomic power to meet their electricity needs.” the paper reports.
Bill Gates has funded a similar venture. AI electricity use needs have made them desperate to find a new supply. It was even suggested recently that old coal power plants could be repurposed.
The Thiel decision comes during a period of resurgence in other nations, led by China, which wants to replace fossil fuels faster than solar and wind can alone. In the US, Microsoft has set a deal to reopen Three Mile Island, the site of America’s most significant nuclear disaster.
New technology, labeled Small modular reactors (SMRs), is more likely to spread the use of this power source. These are considered less dangerous and less expensive to build
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