Brazil Is On Fire

Florencia Potter Pexels

Across Brazil thousands of wildfires are burning. One tracking service puts the figure at 2,610 in the state of Sao Paulo, according to Bloomberg. Another 1,273 are burning west of that and another 1,036 to the north. Controlling all of these is impossible, so many will continue to burn until they burn themselves out, which could take months. And several small cities could be destroyed over the period.

The culprit is the same as for almost all wildfires around the world. The temperature is high, the areas are plagued by drought, and there are high winds. The government says it has a chance to stop the spread. Few experts think that is accurate. 

Several large cities have been affected. Most notable among these is the capital Brasilia. There is also thick smoke in the air in Sao Paulo, a city with a population of 12 million.

Cristiane Mazzetti, a forest campaigner for Greenpeace Brasil, told The Guardian, “Brazil is ablaze.” Someone close to the fires posted on X. “The apocalypse has arrived.”.

The fires are not unlike those in America’s West except there are many of them and they appear to cover a wider area. Fires in northwest Canada blanketed New York City with smoke last year. However, those fires were hundreds of miles away. 

Brazil’s fires show how terrible the future could be in places around the world with similar weather patterns.

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