Europe’s Ruined Climate Plans
The Europe Environment Agency recently released a report titled “Climate change mitigation: reducing emissions.” It was a grim assessment of the region’s efforts to reach its 2050 goals. “Despite notable emission reductions over the last decades, the EU must transform production and consumption systems to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.” The transformation is slow in many cases, and in some, it is not happening.
The authors report that the plan to reach ambitious environmental goals is “to reshape everything we do.” The report points to power plants, factories, farms, and cars. “Reaching these goals will require even higher emission cuts through transitioning from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy.”
Ambitious Goals
There is a reason the report calls future gains “ambitious.” EV sales in Europe have leveled compared to 2023, and in the largest markets, including Germany, they have been falling. However, Europe is a leader in alternative energy, and little shows that commercial enterprises have cut the use of fossil fuels. Crude remains an abundant, relatively inexpensive power source, and oil companies, particularly in the US, are producing at record levels.
Europe No Different
Europe is a little different from other regions. The US has lagged in its green efforts. Large, emerging markets like India and China have barely progressed. Europe
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