Hollywood Abandons Climate Change

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Filmmakers have apparently given up on movies like “The China Syndrom,” which was Made in 1979 and starred Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon, and Michael Douglas. In the plot, a nuclear power plant nearly melts down near Los Angeles. The same year, there was nearly a real meltdown at Three Mile Island. Americans are still nervous about nuclear energy today, despite the fact that it is an excellent alternative energy source. 

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Hollywood doesn’t care much about climate change now, based on how often it is part of the plots, characters, and dialogue in 13 Oscar-nominated movies. The study, titled “Climate Reality Check,” was conducted by Colby. The data was based on the results of the most recent Oscars. It found, “Of the thirteen Oscar-nominated films we analyzed, three contained at least one character who was aware of climate change.”

Climatecrisis247 believes this is another media stunt to use climate change to get attention. The study is based on a very limited and trivial universe. Nuclear energy is a tiny part of the climate crisis landscape. However, according to this study, none of that landscape draws many directors–of the study is right.

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