July Is the Second Hottest In History According To Scientists

Karl Gerber Pexels

European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service reported July was the second hottest in history. July was 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit above the pre-industrial reference of 1850-1990. The previous 13 months were the hottest, so July broke a pattern.

The organization issued a statement that said, “We are not done with temperature records causing heatwaves … We know this long-term warming trend can be with a very high level of confidence related to the human impact on climate.” 

The news shows nations and companies have done little to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. They have also not kept their plans to change policy to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

The US continues to pump oil at record levels. In December, it produced more oil than any nation has in any single month in history. China, India, and the US remain the world’s largest polluters.

Except for China, only modest progress has been made in a rotation to solar and wind. Wind projects in the US need to come online faster. Capital has not been available for these projects, or it has been expensive/

Some scientists believe global warming has gone beyond the point of no return, and now it is just a matter of how much more violent weather incidents will become.

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