Countries Most At Risk For Climate Change Are Abjectly Poor

Tom D'Arby Pexels

Many organizations have organized data on the nations most vulnerable to the ravages of climate change. Most of these countries are in Africa and the regions between China and Iraq. The most dangerous events in these areas, which affect millions of people, are heat, flooding, and drought. The common factor in these countries is that the people living there are too poor to change their climate circumstances. They cannot afford to leave these places or have the capital to alter their environment.

Global crisis: The World’s population hits 8 billion as the world boils.

Crisis continues: The cost to relocate 1.2 billion people.

The International Rescue Committee recently released its list of” climate risk countries.”

The “10 countries at risk of climate disaster” was prepared with data from the IRC’s Watchlist, Notre Dame-Global Adaptation Initiative Index, and several sources on air pollution, water pollution, and additional climate data. Since many of these countries are also in political and military turmoil, their governments cannot support their populations trapped by climate crises. 

Climatecrisis247 used the IRC list of the most troubled countries and its comments on each nation’s climate issues. We then evaluated this information with the economic data from the IMF, World Bank, and The World Factbook to see how each country ranked among the 262 for which economic data was available. We focused on GDP per capita and life expectancy at birth. The OECD uses GDP per capita as a standard for economic well-being. Life expectancy at birth is often used to measure healthcare, disease, and the prevalence of life-threatening events.

Many of the countries on the list are among the most populated in the world. These ten nations are home to over half a billion people.

Central African Republic  (population 5.5 million) Crisis: Severe flooding and water-borne illnesses. Heavy population concentration.  Life expectancy: 56 years (ranked 226th)   GDP per capita: $800 (228th)

Nigeria (population: 230 million, which is 6th among all countries) Crisis: Flooding in  2022.  Damage to the country’s farmland. High levels of food insecurity.  Life expectancy 62 years (216th)      GDP per capita $4,900 (179th)

Ethiopia  (population: (117 million, which is 11th among all countries) Crisis: Drought in parts of the country has lasted for six years. Life expectancy: 67 (197th)    GDP per capita $2,300 (205th)

Chad: (population: 18.5 million) Crisis: Flooding in  2022, Food insecurity due to effects of climate on crops. Life expectancy: 60 (222nd) GDP per capita: $1,400 (223rd)

South Sudan  (population: 12 million) Crisis: Severe floods  Life expectancy: 60 years (221st)   GDP per capita: $1,700 (216th)

Yemen  (population: 31.5 million) Crisis: Growing deserts and drought. Life Expectancy: 68 years (191st)    GDP per capita $2,700 (222nd)

The Democratic Republic of the Congo  (population: 111.9 million, 15th among all countries) Crisis: Floods caused food insecurity—a sharp rise in rainfall in the last decade.  Life expectancy: 62 years (215th)    GDP per capita: $1,100 (226th)

Afghanistan  (population: 39.2 million) Crisis: Worst drought in three decades. In some areas, flooding Life expectancy 54 (227th)      GDP per capita $2,000  (219th)

Syria  (population: 22.9 million) Extreme drought  Life expectancy 75 (137th)   GDP per capita: $3,200  (198th)

Somalia  (population 12.7 million Crisis: Drought is causing extreme food insecurity.  Life expectancy: 56 (225th)        GDP per capita  $1,100  (227th)

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