“We are endangering not only ourselves, but also our future generations.”

Vraj Shah Pexels

Quote from: Dr Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, the head of the India Meteorological Department (IMD)

What Is Worse? –Climate Change of COVID-19

Mohapatra has watched temperatures across India rise above 120 degrees F. Although this is not unusual, what is unique is the number of days the temperature has been at that level. In some parts of India, the heat wave has been challenging for 25 days.

What is also clear is that humans cannot survive this hot weather for long. The temperatures are fatal for many, especially the old, very young, and those with preexisting conditions. Third-world nations like India cannot track heat deaths accurately. Spread across a huge geographical expanse and with 1.3 billion people, estimates are impossible. The government does not have the resources, even if the country’s geographic size and population are much smaller. 

It Could Get Worse

Mohapatra also pointed out that it will worsen no matter how bad the current situation is. He told the BBC, “Human activities, increasing population, industrialisation and transport mechanisms are leading to increased concentration of carbon monoxide, methane and chlorocarbons.”

Some scientists believe that global warming has reached a point of no return and that the climate crisis will worsen virtually every year. That may have already happened in parts of India.

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