Hurricane Francine Damages Reach $9 Billion.

Kelly Pexels

Hurricane Francine came ashore near New Orleans. It flooded a huge amount of that area and then did more destruction inland, 

About 500,000 people lost power in Louisiana and Mississippi. Hundreds of homes and businesses were flooded, and some were likely damaged permanently.

Accuweather puts the damage from Francine at $9 billion. It is also based on calculations of future damage. “AccuWeather’s estimate largely accounts for damage to homes, businesses, infrastructure, facilities, roadways and vehicles as well as power outages, which results in food spoilage and interruption to medical care and reflects damage that has already occurred as well as expected damage yet to occur through the next couple of days as Tropical Rainstorm Francine moves up into the western Tennessee Valley, bringing flooding rainfall and, north and east of the center, the risk for severe thunderstorms and tornadoes.”

The figures are not just based on direct costs. They include lost wages, supply chain interruptions, and airports and other public transportation closures. 

Based on the damages of larger hurricanes, Francine’s costs are modest. Hurricane Katrina caused $193 billion in damages, based on an adjustment to 2023 dollars. Maria, in 2017, caused damages of $100 billion. The cost total of the 2024 hurricane season may not be over. 

The season does not end for over a month.

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